

The natural choice for wound healing

The properties of Activon® Manuka Honey provide wound healing benefits not found in other types of dressings. As well as its anti-microbial, debridement and de-sloughing, and malodour reduction properties, Activon® Manuka Honey protects the wound bed, providing the moist wound healing environment that is known to promote faster healing.1

Activon® Manuka Honey has been positively evaluated in over 390 patients, including children, neonates and those with delicate or friable skin. The evidence covers a wide range of wounds including burns, long-standing acute wounds , leg-ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and fungating wounds.

Naturally anti‐microbial with no known resistance

Activon® Manuka honey is made from the nectar gathered from Manuka plants in New Zealand, which are part of the Leptospermum species commonly known as the tea-tree family. Honey from this plant source has been found to have a unique antibacterial property not found in honey from other floral sources.

The antibacterial property of honey from other floral sources is de-activated by an enzyme called catalase which is found naturally in wounds.

Activon® Manuka honey’s main antibacterial property is derived from the nectar of the plant which is unaffected by catalase and remains active at very low concentrations. This is known as the Non Peroxide Activity (NPA) or Unique Manuka Factor and the potency of the honey is compared to the antibacterial potency of diluted Phenol.

Safe and effective debridement and desloughing

Activon® Manuka honey has an osmotic effect that helps to de-slough and debride necrotic tissue that can harbour bacteria and impede wound healing.

Deodorising action to reduce malodour

There is a marked reduction in odour when Activon® Manuka honey is applied to a malodorous wound.

1. Dunford C, Cooper R, Molan P, White R. (2000) The use of honey in wound management.
Nursing Standard, 15, 11, 63-68
