


Soft silicone wound contact layer

A wound contact non-adherent dressing made from polyester mesh coated with soft silicone.

Silflex is designed to gently adhere to the skin surrounding a wound and not to the wound bed this minimises the pain and trauma associated with dressing change. The dressing allows the passage of exudate.


Remove the clear liners on each side of the dressing and place directly over the wound. Silflex may overlap the wound edges. The dressing can be cut to size ensuring sharp scissors are used. Cover with a secondary dressing of choice which may be an absorbent pad or film dressing. Silflex may be kept in place for up to fourteen days depending on the wound condition.


Skin tears, skin abrasions, surgical wounds, second degree burns, lacerations, leg and pressure ulcers, topical negative pressure (primary dressing).


Do not use on arterial bleeds or heavily bleeding wounds.